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Console commands for Sons of the Forest and How to use them.

Last Update 2025-01-28 13:27:22

Console Commands

This page contains all of the console commands available in the game. 


This page contains all of the console commands available in the game. 

These can be activated by the use of mods or by using the cheatstick activation method.

To activate console commands, type in cheatstick when in a game. It does not need to be entered into any prompt or text box. Once entered, press F1 to see if it worked.

Tiyping cheatstick on chat (it can be done outside chat)
Pressing F1 shows the console and command list

Common commands

The below commands are ones that most players might find useful.

Console CommandUsageDescription
addallitems Adds all items to the players inventory.
Add another Kelvin

addcharacter robby

Adds another Kelvin, if you want more or yours died.
Add another Virginia

addcharacter virginia

Adds another Virginia, if you want more or yours died. Sentiment is at 0 though, you'll need to make her like you again or just use this command: virginiasentiment 100
setstrengthlevelsetstrengthlevel 100Changes the strength of the player. Which increase the players health pool and damage.
cavelightcavelight on
cavelight off
Very useful, adds a bright light on the player, very good for caves, was nerfed due to streamers.
seasonseason summer
season autumn
season winter
season spring
changes season to summer
changes season to autumn
changes season to winter
changes season to spring
Invisibleinvisible on
invisible off
You become invisible to enemies
Disables invisibility
creepyvillagecreepyvillageSpawns cave monsters
killradiuskillradius 50Kills enemies in a 50 zone around the player, this will kill Kelvin and Virginia is they are in the radius.

goto BlueprintItemPlatingPickup
goto BlueprintPoweredCrossPickup
goto BlueprintGoreChairPickup
goto BlueprintGoreCouchPickup
goto BlueprintUberTrapPickup
goto BlueprintGrindTrapPickup
goto BlueprintSpearThrowerTrapPickup
goto BlueprintSpinTrapPickup
goto BlueprintSpotlightPickup
goto BlueprintClockPickup
goto BlueprintLegLampPickup
goto BlueprintHangGliderLauncherPickup
goto BlueprintGoldArmorPlaterPickup
goto BlueprintTeleporterPickup
goto BlueprintAttractShrinePickup
goto BlueprintRepelShrinePickup

Item Plating Blueprint
Powered Cross Blueprint
Gore Chair Blueprint
Gore Couch Blueprint
Uber Trap Blueprint
Grind Trap Blueprint
Spear Thrower Trap Blueprint
Spin Trap Blueprint
Spotlight Blueprint
Clock Blueprint
Leg Lamp Blueprint
Hang Glider Launcher Blueprint
Gold Armor Plater BluePrint
Teleporter Blueprint
Attract Shrine Blueprint
Repel Shrine Blueprint


goto ArtifactPieceAPickup
goto ArtifactPieceBPickup
goto ArtifactPieceCPickup
goto ArtifactPieceDPickup
goto ArtifactPieceEPickup
goto ArtifactPieceFPickup
goto ArtifactPieceGPickup

Artifact A
Artifact B
Artifact C
Artifact D
Artifact E
Artifact F to open Cave H "disablego CaveHEntranceCover"
Artifact G

Add a golf cartaddprefab golfcart 
Turn off sea water/ocean visuals and physicstogglego CrestOcean
togglego WaterLevelSensor
Allows for building in the ocean etc

Add characters

These commands allow you to add characters into the game, everything living is a character. If you place a number at the end of the command, such as 50, it will spawn 50 of those characters.

Console CommandUsageCategoryDescription
Kelvinaddcharacter robbyFriendlyAdds another kelvin (affinity starts at 0)
Virginiaaddcharacter virginiaFriendlyAdds a virginia (affinity starts at 100)
Timmyaddcharacter timmy
addcharacter timmy ripped
FriendlyAdds Timmy, he runs away and shoots randomly at things with a revolver, cannot be interacted with, carries a flask too, cannot be killed.
Helicopteraddcharacter helicopter
addcharacter helicopter default
OtherSpawns a Puff Corp helicopter
Mr Pufftonaddcharacter mrpufftonBoss 
Mrs Pufftonaddcharacter mrspufftonBoss 
Demon Bossaddcharacter demonbossBossSame as a demon, much larger
Mutant Bossaddcharacter mutantbossBossFinal boss of the game
Demonaddcharacter demonDemonNot a mutant or cannibal, but not a boss. A weird limbo place so it gets its own table.
Fingersaddcharacter fingersMutant 
Twinsaddcharacter twinsMutantAdds a twin mutant
Mutant Babyaddcharacter babyMutant 
Sluggyaddcharacter slugMutantFrom the Timmy and Eric Cutscene
Male Cave Mutantaddcharacter MrPuffyMutant 
Female Cave Mutantaddcharacter MissPuffyMutant 
Male Cave Blue Glowing Mutantaddcharacter puffybossmaleMutant 
Female Cave Blue Glowing Mutantaddcharacter puffybossfemaleMutant 
Male Spotted Puffyaddcharacter spotted maleMutant 
Female Spotted Puffyaddcharacter spotted femaleMutant 
Worm (John)addcharacter john2Mutant 
Armsyaddcharacter armsyMutant 
Creepy Virginiaaddcharacter creepyvirginiaMutantNo relation to Virginia
Holeyaddcharacter holeyMutant 
Legsyaddcharacter legsyMutant 
Cannibaladdcharacter cannibalCannibalThis one can add a random cannibal, maybe even more. Can add the leader ones too.
Red Fat Cannibaladdcharacter fat
addcharacter malefat
Fat Femaleaddcharacter femalefatCannibal 
Heavy Maleaddcharacter heavyCannibal 
Male Cannibaladdcharacter maleCannibalAdds a random male cannibal or selected cannibal (Danny,carl,Billy,Andy)
Female Cannibaladdcharacter femaleCannibalAdds a random female cannibal or selected cannibal (Destiny,Angel,Brandy,Crystal)
Assorted Cannibalsaddcharacter familyCannibalThis one can add a random cannibal, maybe even more. Can add the leader ones too.
Muddy Femaleaddcharacter muddyfemaleCannibalAKA skinny cannibals
Muddy Maleaddcharacter muddymaleCannibalAKA skinny cannibals
Muddy (in grass pile)addcharacter muddyCannibalAKA skinny cannibals
Cannibal Leader (Heavy)addcharacter heavyCannibal 
Dannyaddcharacter cannibal dannyCannibal 
Carladdcharacter cannibal carlCannibal 
Billyaddcharacter cannibal billyCannibal 
Andyaddcharacter cannibal andyCannibal 
Crystaladdcharacter femalecannibal crystalCannibal 
Destinyaddcharacter femalecannibal destinyCannibal 
Brandyaddcharacter femalecannibal brandyCannibal 
Angeladdcharacter femalecannibal angelCannibal 
Gold Masker Cannibal Leaderaddcharacter cannibal goldmaskCannibalLeader variant
Greg - Effigy Placeraddcharacter cannibal gregCannibalWill place one effigy near the player or players structures
Eliseaddcharacter femalecannibal EliseCannibalMake Special Moves
Igoraddcharacter cannibal lgorCannibalCharges at you
Fireaddcharacter fireCannibalSet themselfs at fire
Eddy - Spearmanaddcharacter cannibal eddyCannibalHas 3x spears he will chuck at you
Night Cannibaladdcharacter cannibalnightCannibalHas a flashlight attached to their head
Painted Cannibaladdcharacter painted maleCannibalHas fluorescent bodypaint which is only visible in the dark
Sharkaddcharacter sharkAnimalAdds a shark that will float around in the air, funny
Orcaaddcharacter killerwhaleAnimalAdds Orca that will float around in the air also, also funny
Turtleaddcharacter turtleAnimal 
Tortoiseaddcharacter landturtleAnimal 
Rabbitaddcharacter rabbitAnimal 
Squirreladdcharacter squirrelAnimal 
Seagulladdcharacter seagullAnimal 
Birdsaddcharacter bluebirdAnimal 
Hummingbirdaddcharacter hummingbirdAnimal 
Deeraddcharacter deerAnimal 
Duckaddcharacter duckAnimal 
Mooseaddcharacter mooseAnimal 
Gulladdcharacter gullAnimal 
Racoonaddcharacter racoonAnimal 
Skunkaddcharacter skunkAnimal 


Console CommandUsageDescription
aiangerlevel Change the anger level for all the cannibal on the island.

aianimspeed 0.1
aianimspeed 0.5
aianimspeed 1
aianimspeed 5

AI operates at 10% of their speed (very slow motion)
AI operates at 50% of their speed (half speed)
AI operates at 100% of their speed (normal speed)
AI operates at 500% of their speed (super fast)


aiarmorlevel 0
aiarmorlevel 1

Changes armor level for cannibals, unsure what the levels are.

aiarmortier 0
aiarmortier 1
aiarmortier 2
aiarmortier 3
aiarmortier 4


0 : None
1: Leave
2: Bone
3: Creepy
4: Solafite
Changes the type of armor cannibals can spawn with

aidisable on
aidisable off

Disables and remove every AI from the game, includes Kelvin and Virginia!

aidummy on
aidummy off

Makes the AI not react to the player too well

aighostplayer on
aighostplayer off

Will make the player invisible to AI.

aigodmode on
aigodmode off

Will make make all AI enemies invincible to all damage

aiknockdowndisable on
aiknockdowndisable off

Disables AI from being knocked down

aipoolstats on
aipoolstats off

Shows how many of the AI are active and how many are pooled

airadar on
airadar off

Will show how far AI are from the player

aishowanims on
aishowanims off

Shows the current animation the AI are performing
aishoweventmemory Show an event register by an AI.

aishowhealth on
aishowhealth off

Show health box below an AI.

aishownavgraph on
aishownavgraph off

Show the navgraph or navmesh on the floor which AI use to navigate. Very useful for finding out where Kelvin and Virginia go.

aishowpaths on
aishowpaths off

Shows the paths the AI take

aishowplayerinfluences on
aishowplayerinfluences off

Show values influences by the player on an AI.

aishowstats on
aishowstats off

Show general stats from an AI.

aishowsurvivalstats on
aishowsurvivalstats off

Show survival stast from an AI (Fullness, hydration and energy.)

aishowthoughts on
aishowthoughts off

Show thoughts with a box below an AI.


Will put every AI in a different states which prompt them to sleep.

aithought on
aithought off

Allows AI to think a thought

aivailstats on
aivailstats off

Shows AIs vail stats, whatever that means

aivillageclosest on
aivillageclosest off

Shows how close cannibals are from their nearest village

aiworldeventstats on
aiworldeventstats off

Shows event stats for AI, shows how angry they could be I think

aiworldstats on
aiworldstats off

Lists AIs in the world

aizonestats on
aizonestats off

Shows the stats for how many AIs are in an area.

animalsenabled on
animalsenabled off

Turns animals on and off

astar on
astar off

Adjusts whether astar pathing is or not, AI will walk into walls etc with this off


Game Start Settings

These are the settings that you can change with a custom game, you can use these commands to change these settings without the use of a save editor or editing the text files. Not all of these have been tested.

Console CommandUsageDescription

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn on
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemySpawn off

Adjust enemy spawn rate
Enemy health

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyHealth high

Adjust enemy starting health
Enemy damage

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyDamage high

Adjust damage enemies can do
Enemy armour

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyArmour high

Adjust enemy armour strength
Enemy aggression

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemyAggression high

Adjust enemy aggression level
Enemy search parties

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemySearchParties low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemySearchParties normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.EnemySearchParties high

Adjust enemy search party frequency
Animal amounts

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Vail.AnimalSpawnRate high

Adjust animal spawn rate
Starting season

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason summer
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason autumn
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason winter
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.StartingSeason spring

Set environmental starting season
Season length

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength short
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength default
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength long
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.SeasonLength realistic

Adjust environmental season length
Day length

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.DayLength short
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.DayLength default
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.DayLength long
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.DayLength realistic

Adjust the day length
Precipitation frequency

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency low
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency default
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Environment.PrecipitationFrequency high

Adjust the frequency of rain and snow
Survival damage

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage off
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayerStatsDamage hard

Enable damage taken when low hydration and low fullness
Consumable effects

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ConsumableEffects normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ConsumableEffects hard

Enable damage effects from each bad or rotten food and drink
Stat Regeneration Penalties

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenaltiesStatReduction off
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenaltiesStatReduction normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenaltiesStatReduction hard

Reduces the rate that health and stamina will regenerate
Cold penalties

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties off
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties normal
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ColdPenalties hard

Adjusts the severity that will affect health and stamina regeneration
Reduced food in containers

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ReducedFoodInContainers false

Reduces the amount of food found in containers
Reduced ammo in containers

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ReducedAmmoInContainers true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.ReducedAmmoInContainers false

Reduces the amount of ammo found in containers
Containers don't refill on load

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.SingleUseContainers false

Opened containers won't be refilled when loading a save
World paused in inventory

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PausedInInventory true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PausedInInventory false

World simulation is paused while inside the inventory
Player trigger traps

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayersTriggerTraps true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayersTriggerTraps false

If enabled, players will trigger their own traps (spring traps always trigger)
Building resistance

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.BuildingResistance true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.BuildingResistance false

Adjust building resistance to enemy attacks
Creative mode

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.CreativeMode true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.CreativeMode false

If enabled, activates creative construction mode
God mode

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayersImmortalMode true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.PlayersImmortalMode false

Enable player immortal mode
Group placement

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.FreeForm.ForcePlaceFullLoad true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.FreeForm.ForcePlaceFullLoad false

Place everything you have in hands at once
No cuttings spawn

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Construction.NoCuttingsSpawn true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Construction.NoCuttingsSpawn false

Disable cuttings spawning (when you place a log and there is meant to be off cuts, they won't spawn if this is off)
Instant tree chopping

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.OneHitToCutTrees true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Survival.OneHitToCutTrees false

If enabled, trees are cut with a single hit
Multiplayer PvP Damage

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Multiplayer.PvpDamage on
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Multiplayer.PvpDamage off

Sets player damage to normal, they will take full damage like others do
Multiplayer enable cheats

setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Multiplayer.Cheats true
setgamesetupsetting GameSetting.Multiplayer.Cheats false

Enable console commands within the game


For the internal item names or IDs to use in the commands below, see List of items.

Console CommandUsageDescription
additemadditem log
additem 78
Use to give the player any items by using ID or name.

robbycarry log
robbycarry stick
robbycarry rock
robbycarry fish

Can set Kelvin to carry an item in his hand. Can only add one at time. If you keep adding that same command, he can drop it all at once. So if you add the fish command 50 times, he will drop 50 fish at your feet when you talk to him. Cannot seem to add other items. More testing required.
spawnitemspawnitem log
spawnitem 78
Used for spawning items. Note: Some items cannot be spawned once they are collected which include most weapons, tools, and outfits.
removeitemremoveitem log
removeitem 78
Removes a specific item from the inventory.
removeallitemsremoveallitemsRemove all the items in the player inventory except the starting tools, repair tool, etc (See below for more info)

Remove all items

ItemRemove by IDRemove by name
Can Openerremoveitem 432removeitem canopener
Repair Toolremoveitem 422removeitem repairtool
Maintenance Keycardremoveitem 566removeitem keycardmaintenance
Guest Keycardremoveitem 567removeitem keycardguest
VIP Keycardremoveitem 568removeitem keycardvip
Book - Sam Sounde Pennant Lineremoveitem 423removeitem novela
Book - Sam Sounde Deep Sleepremoveitem 424removeitem novelb
Book - Eric LeBlanc Rescuedremoveitem 574removeitem novelc
Book - Timmy LeBlanc Universesremoveitem 575removeitem noveld
Book The Realm Beyondremoveitem 631removeitem novelf
Album Coverremoveitem 467removeitem albumcover
Holosprings Pamphletremoveitem 509removeitem holosprings
Cult Pamphletremoveitem 633removeitem cultpamphlet

If you wish to take it a step further and remove the starting items, then do the following:

ItemRemove by IDRemove by name
Tactical Axeremoveitem 379removeitem tacticalaxe
Plasma Lighterremoveitem 413removeitem lighter
Survival Guideremoveitem 589NO NAME, USE ID INSTEAD
Combat Kniferemoveitem 380removeitem combatknife
GPS Trackerremoveitem 412removeitem gpstracker

If you want to undo all these ones, just add the emergency pack back in:

Item List

CodeNameBy IDBy NameCategoryNotes


Console CommandUsageDescription

timescale 0
timescale 1
timescale 2
timescale 3
timescale 10

0 Pauses the game
1 is Normal gamespeed
2 Doubles game speed
3 Triples game speed
Very useful command as it speeds up the game time. Very useful to speed up the process of building, placing logs etc. Avoid speeds over 10 unless you're sure your PC can handle the heat. Timescale 2 or 3 is good for log placement.
settimeofdaysettimeofday 12useful for changing the time of day to a specific time. Use 24 hour time. For example 'settimeofday 15' will change it to 3pm.

setgametimespeed 1
setgametimespeed 2
setgametimespeed 3
setgametimespeed 10
setgametimespeed 50
setgametimespeed 100

Speeds up the time the day & night progresses. You have to put a number at the end of it.

setcurrentday 0
setcurrentday 1
setcurrentday 10
setcurrentday 100
setcurrentday 1000

Changes the day to whatever day you choose, you must choose a number. May unlock achievements. Will affect the types of enemies that spawn.

jumptimeofday 0
jumptimeofday 1
jumptimeofday 10
jumptimeofday 100
jumptimeofday 1000

Changes the day to whatever day you choose, you must choose a number. May unlock achievements. Will affect the types of enemies that spawn.
physicsupdatetime DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Adjusts the time when physics updates, doesn't appear to have much use. Can cause you to alt F4 the game because things won't load.

locktimeofday on
locktimeofday off

Locks the time of day, so if it is 10:00am, it will stay at that time until turned off.


Console CommandUsageDescription
buffstatsbuffstats 1Adds more energy, fullness, and thirst to the player
camerafov Changes the FOV based on the number you use at the end. Doesn't appear to affect the menu option.
godmode Makes the player immune to damage of all kind

freecamera on
freecamera off


forceplayerexpression angry forceplayerexpression scared

Changes the players expression, it is unknown how many there actually is or are, whatever the better use of english is.

energyhack on energyhack off

Prevents players energy, rest, and stamina from draining
killlocalplayer Kills specified player


Knocks the player on the ground without damage

speedyrun on
speedyrun off

Makes you run extremely fast, it is recommended to use this with godmode on to stop you from taking fall damage.

superjump on
superjump off

Makes you jump higher, does not require basketball shoes.

showhud on
showhud off

This can be useful for taking screenshots. The option isn't in the menu currently like it was in The Forest.
setstrengthlevelsetstrengthlevel 50Changes the strength of the player. Strength most likely only affects the players health at this point of the game.

setstat health 100
setstat rest 100
setstat stamina 100
setstat fullness 100
setstat hydration 100
setstat temperature 36

Can be used to change the players stats such as health, energy, stamina, temperature etc.

setplayerrace White
setplayerrace Black
setplayerrace Latin
setplayerrace Asian
setplayerrace BlackA
setplayerrace WhiteA
setplayerrace BlackB

Changes the player's race/appearance.


Console CommandUsageDescription
buildermode Adds some items to the inventory, doesn't affect log building, seems kind of useless at this point.

loghack on
loghack off

Gives the player infinite logs, log variants can be switched.

stonehack on
stonehack off

Gives the player infinite stones, works like loghack, except it adds a stone.
instantbookbuild all item blueprints placed from the book will be instantly made without using resources.


Adding in prefabs, most of these are useless

Console CommandUsageDescription
 addprefab RadioUseful
 addprefab Mushrooms 
 addprefab CutTree 
 addprefab MuzzleFlash 
 addprefab MuzzleFlashParticles 
 addprefab MuzzleFlashLights 
 addprefab TestHeights 
 addprefab TurtleEgg 
 addprefab PoolToyA 
 addprefab PoolToyB 
 addprefab PoolToyC 
 addprefab PoolToyD 
 addprefab LifeVest 
 addprefab BRGA 
 addprefab BRGB 
 addprefab WeaponCaseBlackCrate
 addprefab WeaponCaseBlueCrate
 addprefab WeaponCaseGreenCrate
 addprefab WeaponCaseOrangeCrate
 addprefab SuitCaseACrate
 addprefab SuitCaseBCrate
 addprefab StorageCrateACrate
 addprefab StorageCrateBCrate
 addprefab WoodenCrateCrate
 addprefab LogSledUseful
 addprefab DeadSquirrelAnimal
 addprefab DeadRabbitAnimal
 addprefab GolfCartUseful
 addprefab SnowCartUseful
 addprefab DeadFrogAnimal
 addprefab NetworkInteraction 
 addprefab PropaneBurnerUseful
 addprefab BossMutantTest 
 addprefab FrogAnimal
 addprefab ElectricFence 
 addprefab VirginiaCreepyGibs 
 addprefab Solafite 
 addprefab GoldenArmourPosed 
 addprefab MipMapTestLogs 


Kelvin in cutscenes

robbyincutscenes on
robbyincutscenes off

Changes whether Kelvin is in the cutscenes
Virginia in cutscenes

virginialincutscenes on
virginialincutscenes off

Changes whether Virginia is in the cutscenes
Boss Mutant Intro Scene Setupplaycutscene BossMutantIntroSceneSetupMost likely won't play
Bunker A Hatchplaycutscene BunkerAHatchMost likely won't play
Bunker B Hatchplaycutscene BunkerBHatchMost likely won't play
Bunker C Hatchplaycutscene BunkerCHatchMost likely won't play
Cave Entrance Hell Doorplaycutscene CaveEntranceHellDoorMost likely won't play
Entrance Triggerplaycutscene EntranceTriggerMost likely won't play
Exit Triggerplaycutscene ExitTriggerMost likely won't play
Get Down Son Cutscene Scene Setupplaycutscene GetDownSonCutsceneSceneSetupMost likely won't play
Get To The Chopper Cutscene Scene Setupplaycutscene GetToTheChopperCutsceneSceneSetupMost likely won't play
Gold Room Cutscene Scene Setupplaycutscene GoldRoomCutsceneSceneSetupMost likely won't play
Start Scene - Beach Spawnplaycutscene HelicopterOceanCrashCutsceneWorks
Start Scene - Snow Spawnplaycutscene HelicopterSnowCrashCutsceneWorks
Start Scene - Forest Spawnplaycutscene HelicopterTreeCrashCutsceneWorks
Open Guiplaycutscene OpenGuiMost likely won't play
Security Doorplaycutscene SecurityDoorMost likely won't play
Security Double Door Entranceplaycutscene SecurityDoubleDoorEntranceMost likely won't play
Security Double Door Exitplaycutscene SecurityDoubleDoorExitMost likely won't play
Sleepingplaycutscene SleepingCutsceneWorks



goto AbandonedBuildings2goto 1461.84 88.52 749.52
goto AbandonedBuildings3goto 1824.84 50.32 -512.55
goto Airstripgoto -894.00 253.12 -938.00
goto BeachEastgoto 1841.35 14.34 271.60
goto Beachgoto -1659.01 16.22 478.14
goto BeachLocBgoto -1646.30 25.00 477.20
goto BoardRattlegoto -1109.81 90.61 -139.47
goto BunkerAgoto -477.71 86.52 713.86
goto BunkerAInsidegoto -477.91 78.21 710.52
goto BunkerBgoto -1136.85 280.74 -1103.40
goto BunkerBInsidegoto -1133.67 271.03 -1100.89
goto BunkerCgoto 1109.97 129.03 1007.63
goto BunkerCInsidegoto 1110.26 120.41 1007.20
goto BunkerEntertainmentExitgoto -986.07 93.35 120.83
goto BunkerEntertainmentgoto -1192.75 66.94 140.70
goto BunkerFEntrancegoto 1241.67 240.41 -658.70
goto BunkerFExitgoto 1160.40 245.80 -526.30
goto BunkerFoodEntrancegoto -1015.15 98.86 1024.80
goto BunkerFoodExitgoto -674.54 52.48 1151.91
goto BunkerFoodgoto -1015.25 99.56 1040.33
goto BunkerLuxurygoto 1756.66 40.33 552.78
goto BunkerResidentialEntrancegoto 1241.67 240.41 -658.70
goto BunkerResidentialExitgoto 1160.40 245.80 -526.30
goto BunkerResidentialgoto 1238.51 239.69 -657.45
goto CaveAEntrancegoto -422.10 17.83 1528.71
goto CaveAExitgoto -313.70 5.80 1511.30
goto CaveAExtensiongoto -612.81 20.88 1413.74
goto CaveAInsidegoto -465.69 18.02 1504.67
goto CaveBEntrancegoto -1118.40 133.02 -156.22
goto CaveBExitgoto -1252.30 151.74 -307.41
goto CaveCEpicViewgoto -432.40 137.10 -94.00
goto CaveDBigRoomgoto 13.00 149.68 -450.15
goto CaveDBSlidegoto 505.98 257.19 -283.38
goto CaveDBstartgoto 917.11 246.32 -386.36
goto CaveDExitSwimgoto -533.07 201.56 -1004.35
goto CaveDForkgoto -56.26 295.45 -660.65
goto CaveDSlidegoto -474.00 282.73 -566.50
goto CaveEEntrancegoto 1754.80 28.02 552.40
goto CaveEgoto 1643.55 23.45 542.96
goto CoffinFallsgoto -983.01 271.37 -685.10
goto CoffinFallsgoto -982.90 250.12 -683.36
goto CoffinFallsgoto -981.49 270.98 -693.04
goto DeadDeer2goto -789.29 144.37 -123.36
goto DeadDeer3goto -1299.82 58.92 190.57
goto DeadDeergoto -1298.89 54.42 233.14
goto DemonBossgoto 846.68 -195.66 382.89
goto DiningRoomgoto -933.37 58.48 1024.41
goto FoodHatchgoto -1027.72 67.97 1037.21
goto ForestLocgoto -1160.00 288.00 -1009.00
goto GetDownSongoto 1217.23 216.99 -624.30
goto GoldMaskShrinegoto -1145.76 131.64 -157.18
goto Grave1goto -1316.82 102.28 1476.93
goto Grave2goto -286.61 156.30 637.42
goto Grave3goto -1633.04 52.61 -1506.99
goto Grave4goto -1046.32 110.19 42.15
goto Grave5goto -1313.87 103.06 1474.35
goto Grave6goto -1455.35 93.01 -124.47
goto Gravegoto -1340.94 96.15 1412.45
goto HangedMangoto -627.04 141.71 392.65
goto HangingBodiesgoto -1248.98 93.99 1223.89
goto HangingCliffgoto -676.16 71.18 1568.01
goto HangingTacticalgoto -623.23 152.18 383.55
goto HangingTacticalTopgoto -623.23 152.18 383.55
goto HellCaveBgoto 1117.63 -131.21 501.72
goto HellCaveDoorgoto 1603.23 23.95 490.33
goto HellCaveEndgoto 706.54 -200.93 305.09
goto HellCavegoto 1643.55 23.45 542.96
goto LakeAgoto -1010.43 115.86 -32.75
goto LakeHgoto -1030.77 91.99 804.03
goto LakeLocgoto -896.00 127.00 -92.00
goto LavaStreamgoto 1305.79 -73.12 648.20
goto MarshesHeadwatergoto 624.10 220.20 -1260.10
goto MassGravegoto -921.63 92.46 1454.36
goto MountainLakegoto 228.10 535.40 -260.70
goto MountainLocgoto 9.00 679.00 -196.00
goto NewWorkgoto 1102.90 20.60 -1811.30
goto OceanCrashgoto -426.72 13.79 1603.80
goto OldBoatgoto -1743.79 15.74 -1094.51
goto OldChoppergoto -905.82 129.52 -113.36
goto Peninsulagoto -378.10 21.60 1621.50
goto Pilotgoto -969.44 251.17 -1046.72
goto RedBoatgoto -312.49 14.29 1606.90
goto SecurityRoomgoto 1188.04 209.51 -625.98
goto SharkBeachgoto -1588.70 15.40 682.20
goto SlideTestgoto -497.83 190.07 105.92
goto SnowCampgoto -158.21 408.74 -101.75
goto SnowCrashgoto -225.78 386.73 -12.36
goto Spaceshipgoto 168.18 137.94 -653.26
goto StreamAWaterfallAgoto -936.16 140.78 -210.08
goto StreamAWaterfallBgoto -785.60 276.00 -533.26
goto TactiCampgoto -701.34 103.96 449.05
goto Tarp1goto -1187.66 50.78 574.09
goto Tarp2goto -859.45 102.85 462.91
goto Tarp3goto -896.45 115.97 76.79
goto TestHelicoptergoto 1109.35 245.90 -786.93
goto TreeCrashgoto -1143.49 138.29 -218.76
goto TwinsSpawnTestgoto 1593.02 40.82 901.51
goto Village10goto -1573.04 48.55 -1658.28
goto Village11goto -1322.16 179.79 -483.66
goto Village12goto -464.65 129.71 523.45
goto Village13goto -1488.96 88.27 1141.94
goto Village14goto -1578.77 76.21 -827.79
goto Village15goto -758.00 97.32 756.05
goto Village16goto -1508.93 41.43 824.65
goto Village17goto -839.03 83.41 1017.51
goto Village18goto 220.79 94.44 1138.10
goto Village19goto 35.87 85.36 1375.36
goto Village1goto -738.52 133.77 27.17
goto Village20goto -200.83 112.30 876.23
goto Village21goto -1145.65 66.21 447.98
goto Village22goto -1637.54 107.78 -180.64
goto Village23goto -1394.88 177.90 -460.51
goto Village24goto -1348.57 254.05 -840.14
goto Village25goto -1151.56 261.67 -1202.47
goto Village26goto 1795.70 15.42 -1.20
goto Village27goto 1820.80 15.29 -90.00
goto Village28goto 1852.80 19.85 134.67
goto Village2goto -1056.59 152.31 -257.37
goto Village30goto 265.15 17.28 1478.61
goto Village31goto 1357.61 121.00 -156.06
goto Village32goto 1403.79 116.68 -126.34
goto Village33goto 1062.89 244.88 -922.05
goto Village34goto -1777.53 15.10 -1606.35
goto Village35goto -847.13 112.47 149.16
goto Village36goto -164.14 77.69 1050.25
goto Village37goto 601.09 298.64 -1013.72
goto Village38goto 1569.01 152.19 -633.85
goto Village39goto 482.09 29.76 -1705.16
goto Village3goto -969.76 275.08 -777.86
goto Village40goto 1234.39 49.01 -1650.64
goto Village41goto 1521.44 17.54 -1588.06
goto Village42goto 1492.46 49.26 946.69
goto Village43goto 1150.14 145.93 705.59
goto Village44goto 1747.10 35.19 807.18
goto Village45goto 704.87 284.80 825.08
goto Village46goto 631.46 39.02 -1657.86
goto Village4goto -1207.38 50.95 657.08
goto Village5goto -1051.70 102.01 1323.10
goto Village6goto -672.42 70.89 1469.64
goto Village7goto -619.70 81.79 910.97
goto Village8goto -1133.79 279.84 -1042.14
goto Village9goto -1167.71 242.47 -1666.04
goto VillageOverGrown1goto 1380.45 218.65 -694.01
goto VillageOverGrown2goto 1571.21 42.57 890.36
goto VillageOverGrown3goto 1428.27 88.69 845.39
goto VineChoppergoto -809.41 163.50 -215.79
goto VirginiaFallsgoto -570.44 95.32 529.96
goto Virginiagoto -948.41 150.04 -235.54
goto Waterfallgoto -984.61 227.17 -635.12
goto WaterfallSmallgoto -981.77 125.27 -115.59
goto WaterfallTest1goto -1091.28 68.31 795.46
goto WaterfallTest2goto -1033.50 227.90 -616.10
goto WaterfallTest3goto -1273.56 105.50 6.58
goto WaterfallTestgoto 1438.10 117.70 217.68
goto WhiteTents1goto -1659.69 85.68 1191.37
goto WhiteTents2goto -1437.70 93.71 1214.03
goto WhiteTents3goto -1362.16 93.71 1667.50
goto WhiteTents4goto -749.82 55.76 1276.32
goto WhiteTents5goto -237.37 97.83 944.70
goto WhiteTents6goto -262.62 78.08 1075.11
goto WhiteTents7goto -128.96 411.73 -1038.55

Community Found

Before Endgame Fight Timmy & Demon Bossgoto 881 -195 335 
Before the food hall (Puffton fight)goto -933 60 1024Still need the keycard
Crossbow locationgoto -1023 64 987 
Entertainment Bunkergoto bunkerentertainmentTakes you outside the cave entrance
Food Bunkergoto bunkerfoodTakes you outside the cave entrance
Residential Bunkergoto bunkerresidentialTakes you outside the cave entrance
Residential Bunker before Doorgoto 1217 226 -626 
Timmy & Eric Cutscene Entrancegoto 1217 218 -624 
Katana Locationgoto 1161 211 -653 
Morguegoto 1143 193 -613 
Helipadgoto 1935 16 454 
Maintenance A Bunker Entrancegoto bunkeraFiresmans Axe Bunker
Maintenance B Bunker Entrancegoto bunkerbCompound Bow Bunker
Maintenance C Bunker Entrancegoto bunkercRevolver Bunker
Endgame Bunker Outside Entrancegoto 1751 41 553 
Endgame Doorgoto 1600 23 485Requires Golden Armor to enter
End Entrancegoto 706 -200 306This is the entrance to end the game.
Shotgun Dig Locationgoto -1340 97 1413Bring a shovel
Handgun on Boatgoto -1796.8 15.5 578 
Cave A Outside Entrancegoto -423 16 1514 
Rebreather Location (Cave A)goto -433 12 1457 
Taser Location? (Cave A)goto -645 18 1513 
Cave B Outside Entrancegoto -1105 128.4 -178.7Has the ropegun and 1 million enemies inside
Ropegun Location (Cave B)goto -1203 129 -276 
Cave C Outside Entrancegoto -531 198 131Requires rebreather, ropegun isn't needed, can be parkoured
Shovel Location (Cave C)goto -428 136 -101
goto -421 141 -83
1st one will spawn you next to the shovel and twins, use the 2nd one to grab some distance
Cave D Outside Entrance Version 1goto -640 197 -1048Tiny cave with some supplies, has the chair & skeleton in it
Cave D Outside Entrance Version 2goto -533 284 -628Bigger version of the other Cave D & has supplies.
Snow Cavegoto -105 397 1065No crack entrance, has some supplies.
Snow Cave - Near Can Openergoto 140 408 -92No crack entrance as well, has some supplies.
Glider Locationgoto -502 325 -309 
Hanging Guy with Trackergoto -623 153 384 
Modern Axe Campgoto -703 105 448 
Tribal Village 1goto -1101.3 99.4 1274.4 
Tribal Village 2goto -825 87 1001 
Tribal Village Near Waterfallgoto -955.8 278.8 781.5 
Tribal Village Cliffsidegoto -1166 262 -1231 
Tribal Village Beach Frontgoto -1755 17 1600 
Tribal Village (Island Cross One)goto 1741 50 -1215 
Tribal Village Double on the Beachgoto 1792.1 20.6 -32.8Teleport in tribal tower
Tribal Village Beach Near Helipadgoto 1850.5 20.9 147.9Teleport in tribal tower
Tribal Village Under Small Waterfallgoto -601 87 870 
Tribal Village Another onegoto -764 99 777 
Tribal Village with Small Pondgoto -1469 82 1101 
Airfield (Near crashed plane)goto 969 252 -1063 
Two Grey Tent Camp Near Shotgun Gravegoto -1255 102 1398 
Camp (Supplies Only)goto -242 98 948 
Binoculars Locationgoto -1117 21 1692 
Fishing Shedsgoto 1697 31 1025 
Machete Campgoto -47 19 1456 
Stun Baton Location Skull Pilegoto -1145 132 -163 
Crash Zone Beachgoto -430 16 1596 


Console CommandUsageDescription
breakobjectsbreakobjects [radius]Breaks objects such as cannibal tents and other structures within a radius of the player.
clearbushradiusclearbushradius 10Clears the bushes and other stuff around the player. Do not use high numbers, start with like 10 and work your way up. If you enter huge numbers you may crash your game or cause huge amounts of lag.
cloudfactorcloudfactor 10Adds or removes clouds based on the number, requires more testing
cloudshadowsenablecloudshadowsenable on
cloudshadowsenable off
Turns off cloud shadows, quite useful if you find them too dark.
createlightcreatelightCreates a static source of light similar to the cavelight command, this doesn't move. Can be useful for getting screenshots as it will help negate the shadows.
forcerainforcerain offUsed to turn rain on and off, can also use numbers, 0 is sunny and 5 is heavy rain.
forceremovetreesforceremovetrees 100100 will remove 100 trees, use in incriments otherwise you can crash the game. Don't go over 1000 generally.
gravitygravity 1Changes Gravity use "gravity off" to reset to normal gravity

season summer
season autumn
season fall
season winter
season spring

Changes the season based on what the player selects. Note that it takes a short time for the effects to begin. If you wish to test a build with how snow is affected on it, use timescale 5 to speed up time for example.
gibradiusgibradius 50Similiar to dismemberradius but more fun
removeliving Remove all dead AI.
removedead Remove all dead AI.

Assorted & Needs sorting

Console CommandUsageDescription
demomode Adds all items, Puts player in godmode, Disables all HUD except Minimap. More Testing Needed
diagrenderersdiagrenderersCreates a file within the game directory that lists all the active objects loaded in the current game
gotogoto Village21Teleports you to named place
gotocoordsgotocoords -1133,2 278,4 -1087,6Teleports you to set coorinates
slapchop Chop down trees with one hit
showuishowui on/offShow or hide all in game info
killradius Kill any AI from a radius of the player.
igniteradius ignite any AI from a radius of the player.
showfpsshowfps on
showfps off
Shows a little FPS counter up the top right, similar to that of Steams FPS counter.
showhudshowhud on/offLet's you show/hide in game hud
openmacrosfolder Used for creating a set of macros of console commands. Needs to be tested on how this works. Will run a full list of commands if of whatever is entered when the macro is activated.
gotozonegotozone GPTeleports you to set island zone

cameradiss on
cameradiss off

Changes whether DLSS is working out of the players camera I believe?
areashadowareashadow 0
areashadow 1
Changes the area of shadow. 0 is normal and 1 is a massive area. Cannot be used to turn shadows off. Probably an useless command.
dismemberradius Dismember random parts of a corspe by a radius.
toggleoverlay Toggles what is normally F2, lists a whole bunch of info that can be info, such as the coordinates of the player.
toggleplayerstats Toggles what is normally F3, lists a whole bunch of stats the player has.
treescutall Cuts all trees down, in about a 100-metre radius. Will make the game lag for about 10 seconds depending on your system.
veganmode Turns of enemies most likely



Console CommandUsageDescription
enablegoenablego [gameobject]Enables Game Objects
disablegodisablego [gameobject]Disables Game Objects
togglegotogglego LakePUsed for turning objects on and off, use diarenderers for a list that creates in the game folder. Or use map with lake names.
destroywildcard Unknown, requires testing

About non-US keyboard layouts 

There is an issue currently with non-US keyboard layouts. You'll need to use the US keyboard layout for console commands to work. Here is how you do that: 

  1. Press `WINDOWS + I`
  2. Click on Date/hour and language
  3. Click on Language
  4. Click on your language
  5. Click on Options
  6. Click on Add keyboard under keyboard
  7. Select US keyboard 

You do not need to remove your previous keyboard layout, however, if you wish to, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the keyboard layout you switched from
  2. Click on Remove 



If you have some questions or have problems with these, don't hesitate to reach out to our support via live chat with the "?" Help button on the bottom right or email us at [email protected] and an agent will assist you :)