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How to add a Custom Map to your Project Zomboid server

Last Update 2025-02-17 10:45:13

How to Add a Custom Map to Your Project Zomboid Server

How to Add a Custom Map to Your Project Zomboid Server


Adding a custom map to your Project Zomboid server can enhance your gaming experience significantly. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to successfully add a custom map to your server. Before starting, it is crucial to shut down your server to prevent data corruption. This will ensure that your modifications go smoothly without any risks of breaking your server data.


Common Sites for Custom Map Files


Step-by-Step Guide to Add a Custom Map


  1. Subscribe to the map mod and any dependencies stated by the modded map. Make sure to check the mod description for any necessary items.
  1. Connect to your FTP as detailed in our FTP guide. This will be your first experience using FTP, and it will help you transfer files safely to your server.
  2. Transfer the map file found usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\MODID#\mods (for example, for the Cherbourg map, this would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\1827428289\mods\cherbourg) to the media/maps folder inside your server.
  1. Go to Basic Settings (or in the config template for servertest.ini under the Mods line if you have one active) and change the map to the name indicated in the workshop mod. In our example, it would be cherbourg_map;cherbourg.

Mods variable (more mods can be added, if desired)
Config template
  1. In Basic Settings (or in the Map line in the config template for servertest.ini if you have one active), add the Map variable with InGameMaps_cherbourg_SP;cherbourg.
Map variable

Config Template
  1. In the Basic Settings (or the WorkshopItems line if you have one active in the config template for servertest.ini), add the Workshop Items variable with 2763515304;1827428289.
Workshop Items variable (more mod IDs can be added if desired)
Config template
  1. This step is optional, but very recommended. If there is no servertest.ini config template made, create one and change Anti Cheat Protection Type 12 to FALSE. The line should read: AntiCheatProtectionType12=false
This particular custom map used needs type 12 disabled, feel free to disable more if needed
  1. Go to Config Manager and create a config file for servertest_spawnregions.lua. This is essential to avoid errors related to spawning on the vanilla map. Each map may have different regions created. If there's no folder for a specific region, insert Random in the region name, followed by the path. Since you have added the map files in the map folder of the server via FTP. Update the servertest_spawnregions.lua via Config Manager." "You can follow this screenshot for the best description::
function SpawnRegions()

return {
{ name = "Random", file = "media/maps/cherbourg/spawnpoints.lua" },
-- Uncomment the line below to add a custom spawnpoint for this server.
-- { name = "Twiggy's Bar", serverfile = "servertest_spawnpoints.lua" },
  1. Click Override Boot Config - Use as default, save the config template, and restart your server.

Troubleshooting Common Issues



By following these steps, you should be able to add and enjoy your new custom map on your Project Zomboid server. 


Happy gaming!